About Me and IT

Hii,wanna know me more?

Okay,allow me to intorduce myself. I am Amira,Amira Nurul Amanda and you also can call me mia,amira,or mira. I was born in Medan,July 2001. I was studying in Harapan Mandiri senior high school and it's not really great senior high scholl but i had great time there. And now i'm studying in University of North Sumatra and my major is Information Technology. I'm in my third year now and people say it will be tiring but i will do my best.

To be honest i can say that i am trapped in information technology haha. I'm not really good at technology things but yeah,here i am trying to finish my study. In my junior high school i was dreaming to be part of Industrial Engineering but then in my senior high school i realized that being information technology student can give me good prospects in my carrer and my parents also suggest me to choose this. So yeah,i'm information technology student now. But i'm not regret for what i chose and i believe i can finish what i start. Wish me luck!

You already know that i'm not good at technology and it means you also know that i'm not one of the best student here right? Well yeah,i'm not good at programming so if you ask me what part of IT that i like i will say design or multimedia. I think i can learn better at multimedia than at programming,security,networking,etc. It's sad but it's true.

So here i wanna give you small explanation about one of my lesson,interaction design. Interaction design is the design of interactive products and services in which a designer's focus goes beyond the item in development to include the way users will interact with it. There are 5 dimensions of interaction design: first is words,words is including text,lable,button which give the exact information to users. Second is visual representation,it's kind of picture or icon which help in making interaction with users. Third is physical object or space,which involve place or media that users use to interact with the product such as mouse,touchpad,etc. Fourth is time,which involve media that change over time. And last is behaviour,it's involve how the rest 4 demensions making interaction in the product. It's all that i can explain to you,hope it's helping.

As closing i will tell you about my experience as an IT student. Of course IT student spend much time in front of their computer. We always have our computer on every day,moreover we are learning by daring now. I think IT student not really has much assignments (thankfully) but to end a smester we have to make a project in every lessons that we took. The end of smesters are so hectic,we don't even get enough sleep because of those assignment. We have to make programs and also the journal. But yeah, i can pass those things so far (thankfully). As an IT student who not really good in IT i will give you advice. You have to think again if you wanna join this world,this is great but this is hard. I hope every IT student in this world can through those struggle. Fighting!

I think that's all that i can say about me,about IT and about being an IT student. Hope this blog can give you (at least) a little information. And hope i still write something here. See you in another writing! Thank you!
